Pay n' Take Book Voucher

Good Morning Horicon families,

All students that participated in the reading programs this year brought home a certificate and attached to it was a book voucher for a book from Pay N Take.

If you haven't stopped by the book section there you are missing out and their children's section is wonderful. This voucher is only good through August. So it is perfect for summer reading material.

The students that moved on to the Galaxy of reading also had a Barnes and Nobles gift card attached.

Buenos dĆ­as familias de Horicon,

Todos los estudiantes que participaron en los programas de lectura este aƱo trajeron a casa un certificado y adjunto a Ć©l habĆ­a un cupĆ³n para un libro de Pay N Take. Si no has pasado por la secciĆ³n de libros, te lo estĆ”s perdiendo y la secciĆ³n infantil es maravillosa. Este cupĆ³n solo es vĆ”lido hasta agosto. Por eso es perfecto como material de lectura de verano. Los estudiantes que pasaron a la Galaxia de la lectura tambiĆ©n recibieron una tarjeta de regalo de Barnes and Nobles.